BML Islamic Personal Financing. For installment upto 60 months.
BML Islamic Personal Financing allows their members to shop for electronics or home appliances from Add-on Store and pay in monthly installments upto 60 months. BML Islamic Personal Financing is provided under 3 categories; BML Islamic Personal Financing, BML Islamic Personal Financing (micro) and BML Islamic Personal Financing (lifestyle)
Key Features
Financing amount:
BML Islamic Personal Financing: MVR 20,000 to MVR 300,000
BML Islamic Personal Financing (micro): up to MVR 25,000
BML Islamic Personal Financing (lifestyle): MVR 25,000 – MVR 100,000 - Easy and convenient process with quick process time of just 7 days
- Repayment period up to 5 years
- Can finance quotations from multiple Authorized Dealers
- Security not required
- No guarantee required
How to Apply
Please submit a BML Islamic Personal Financing Form with all supporting documents as stated on the form, to BML Islamic Male’ Branch or to any other Branches located outside Male’.